Below is an update on the $4.8M State Barrier Fence replacement and maintenance program, which is a component of the WA Wild Dog Action Plan 2016-2021).

In  December 2017 Minister MacTiernan facilitated a forum in Yalgoo attended by 70 people to discuss the potential for development of an Aboriginal Contractors Panel for SBF fence replacement, fence repairs and maintenance.

As an outcome of that forum DPIRD staff from Biosecurity and Business Development Teams have engaged at least 16 Aboriginal groups/businesses to complete the works listed below (note, these distances will vary over the duration of this project depending on current SBF needs);

The following are the2017/18 works;

As for the remaining works, they will be completed in 2018/19 – 2019/20.  An Aboriginal Contractors Panel is currently being developed. 

This will provide substantial Aboriginal business development and direct employment opportunities, and potentially future contracting opportunity across the Pastoral and Agricultural sectors. 

For further information contact:

Barry Davies
Invasive Species
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
08 9780 6266 or 0475 972 742

The images below show some of the erosion damage along the State Barrier Fence near Ravensthorpe following flooding in February 2017.