The rates for the financial year are published in the Government Gazette and Declared Pest Rates (DPR) for 2018-19 have been approved and gazetted. Along with 12 Recognised Biosecurity Groups, this included a rate to be introduced for the first time in the Ravensthorpe Shire.
July 30, 2018 Minister for Agriculture and Food, Alannah MacTiernan announced approval of Declared Pest Rates. Full media statement can be read at:
Please note, the Declared Pest Rate has no association with the annual rate notices issues by the Shire of Ravensthorpe.
Funds raised from Ravensthorpe landholders and the matching co contribution from Government will allow the Southern Biosecurity Group (SBG) to become self sustaining and continue long-term coordination and management of declared animal and weed species. All rates collected in the shire go towards management activities within Ravensthorpe Shire only.
Rate notices will be issued to landholders by Department of Finance’s Office of State Revenue in September, 2018. Funds received will be administered by Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). From December, 2018 the SBG will make application to DPIRD for transfer of rate amounts that have been received.
The group submits an annual Operational Plan and this has been approved by the Minister. We are accountable for all funds transferred to the SBG account and are required to submit an annual audited report to DPIRD.
Current priorities with funding from the DPR are wild dog, fox and rabbit control. Through funding from State NRM, Drooping tree pear cactus (Opuntia monacantha) control will continue in the Oldfield River.
Funds raised by the DPR and the government co-contribution will support the commercial, environmental and social values of the Ravensthorpe community through:
Under the Biosecurity and Agricultural Management Act 2007 (BAM Act), there is still the requirement for landholders to manage declared species on their property.
We encourage reporting of declared animal and weed species and input into future activities and the feasibility of projects being funded through the DPR. Enquiries pertaining to the Declared Pest Rate can be made by emailing the group at, or by post to SBG, PO Box 292, Ravensthorpe 6346. We may also be contacted by telephoning 0484 932 447.